Dublin in the 70`s

Dublin in the 70`s
Dublin in the 70`s

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Black (Colour) by Noel MacEntee

Black envelops and swallows,
is cave and abyss,
the holes of space,
the bowels of the earth,
night, melancholy and death.
Mourning sinks into black
and rests in its muffled sadness.
The widow’s veil of separation and loss,
the judges`s robe of sober authority,
are all black.
The black vestments of the cleric
renounce the bright-hued pleasures
of the sensual, material life,
the black elegance of evening wear
engages them.
There is Bible black, ebony black and
the black of scarab, crow and cat.
Black is foulness, decay and dirt.
But life arises from the black fertile
covering of soil and earth.
In Ancient Egypt black evoked death.
Black encompasses the terrors and beauty
of the underworld and its tenebrous precincts
of healing and irritation.
The Navajo see sinister in black but, because it
also confers invisibility, black`s capacity to protect.
Black comes from the North, the direction of danger
but also from the East, the place of sunrise.
Black con-notates the seasoned individual,
achieved social status and authority,
patience and the ability to wait.
Is black a colour or the absence of colour?
Black is primeval chaos, the polar heart,
hidden centre and locus of emergence.
The dark night of the soul” - a turning away
or a turning towards is trans-formative,
sublimation and purification of all emotions,
the luminous darkness of self-understanding.
Black or nigredo is a state of disorientation,
exhaustion, self doubt, depression, inertia,
confusion, and disjunction.
Alchemists description “black blacker than black”,
black sun, widow, orphan, caput corvis
or “head of the crow”.
Nigredo was in fact a cause for rejoicing;
it expressed conjunction with psyche`s illimitable,
teeming potential, conceiving the golden embryo of self.

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