Dublin in the 70`s

Dublin in the 70`s
Dublin in the 70`s

Friday, 22 May 2015

The Shoemaker, a poem.

Early each morning, the hammering tap tap sounds from the Shoemaker’s workshop resounding
Busy working at his anvil and last, Wee Johnnie heard fast making and mending
With consummate skills, yielding well worn tools, sculpting leather with crafting techniques
Famed far and wide, unique brogues and shoes creating, his reputation unbending

Wee Johnnie work early and late from the rise of the Sun until glow of the moon
Each shilling he gathered was towards his ambition in life, far more than the work
Was his ambition to marry and gain a new life, to buy a small cottage and a little small holding
From the fruits of his labours, to this ambition he was beholden.

One day to his workshop came a young lady with broken quaint slim shoes needing mending
With delight and attention, young Johnnie gave them earnestly tending
New soles, heels and laces he fashioned them anew, with love and attention to them did renew
No payment when offered, would he ever accept but a kiss on the cheek, more than a peck

The young lady was flattered by this young Shoemaker’s attention, this at home she made mention
He is coming to supper” was her mother’s good news, “by post having declared his intention”
It was a joyous occasion and everyone was delighted at Wee Johnnie’s visitation and amorous visit

For not long after his proposal, both he and Mary were wed and live wonderfully happy ever after.


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